Thursday, January 15, 2009

Boring Week

It's been one week since my last confession...hahaha.  Nothing too exciting happening this week but I did promise I'd be better at updating my blog.  I've watched some good movies the last week or so.  A friend and I went and watched Grand Tourino this weekend.  The movie was great, but outside of Clint Eastwood, I thought the acting was horrible.  The Dark Knight and The Happening were also both good.  Blue Ray and a 52" HDTV are awesome :)  I got my first bow this week so I've got lots of time to practice before next season - and according to some of the guys at work my neck is staring to turn pretty red.  I explain it is just me balancing out this 'pretty boy' reputation that I have somehow gotten :)  I am heading down to south Alabama on the 31st to go deer hunting with Ricky and some other guys from work  It will be my last chance to leave the season not being empty handed.  I'm definitely not complaining, I've learned a lot my first year hunting.  OH!  And I finally am supposed to get my hair cut tomorrow, that is if she doesn't call in sick this time haha.  I guess that's all that has been going on this week.  Hopefully I'll be able to provide some more humor at my expense next week.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Yes...I am still alive

It has been a crazy month.  I had a great Christmas in Florida with my mom, dad, Tom & Mandi.  In all reality, how could Christmas not be great when you play golf in the mid-80's :)  Dad and I decided we would run out and play a quick nine holes before we had to go pick up Mandi and Tom at the Tampa airport.  After nine holes, I was beating my dad by one stroke.  Mind you, this was the first time I have played since exactly a year ago when I was down there last Christmas.  I figured this was the best Christmas gift ever, since I have never beat Dad before.  We were just going to play 10 since my parents house is on the fairway and that would give mom and opportunity to see us play.  Needless to say, Dad decided we'd just go ahead and finish the back 9 and I ended up losing by a couple of strokes.  I'm sure he only decided to make the turn just to be able to spend more time with me, it had NOTHING to do with him being beat :)

Since I wasn't able to spend New Years down there with Tom and Mandi, we decided we'd hit up the local pub for a few drinks.  My parents don't live in a "Retirement Community," but 99% of the people that live there seem to be retired.  Including all of the people that would frequent this bar which is within the gates of the community.  We had a great time and I picked up some tips on how to pick up women from some of the guys in the bar.  I think I'm going to start with unbuttoning the top few buttons of my shirt and hoping my chest hair grows some more.  

Tom and I also developed a new mantra to live by...whenever we are unsure of what to do in a certain situation, we just ask ourselves, "What would John Daly do?"  I think it will get us both far.

New years was a new one for me, yet another 'Southern Tradition' to knock off the list of things to do :)  I was at Ricky's at 3:15 on New Years day to go to Tennessee to deer hunt.  While we didn't see Bambi or any of her relatives, Wile E. Coyote didn't make it.  Now, there have been some vicious rumors about me shooting Mr. Coyote.  For the record, it was my second time deer hunting, I didn't know I was supposed to shoot coyotes since I was hunting deer, and I hit him hard enough to roll him over and keep him down for 15-20 seconds.  That's all I'm saying on that subject :)

After hunting we went back to Ricky's where I got to have my first Southern New Year's meal.  Melissa cooked an awesome meal, as always, but the highlights are the parts that you have to eat every New Years.  You have hog jaw for health, collared greens for money, and black eyed peas for good luck.  While the hog jaw and the collared greens weren't really included in the 'awesome meal' statement, the black eyed peas were good :)  After last year, I'm willing to try anything for the coming year hahahaha!

Lets see, what else exciting has been happening.......I was finally supposed to get my hair cut on Wed. after not having it cut since July, but the girl cutting my hair called in sick and still isn't back to reschedule yet.  So, it looks like the 'fro might be around for a little while longer.  Earlier this week I got a streak of motivation and decided I needed to spring clean my apartment.  I'm pretty much done now, my bedroom no longer looks like a bedroom/garage/hunting store and now looks more like, well, a bedroom.  I did manage to throw away an entire truckload of stuff that I decided I no longer need.  I also have a bunch of stuff to donate.

That's all I can think of to ramble about now.  I'm sure I've missed a bunch of stuff I wanted to put in here but that will leave something for next time.  I promise to try and be better about updating now that the holiday's are over.  I also didn't put any pictures in here because I figured it would just be easer to include a link to all of them this time.