Friday, November 21, 2008

First Blog...Freezing in MI

Ok, here we go.  I got this idea from a friend so I stole it because as most of you know, I'm really awful at keeping in touch with friends.  I am currently in Midland, MI waiting impatiently for my niece to be born.  My brother, Bill, and sister in law, Wendy, are currently at the hospital where she is being induced.  I now remember why I live in Alabama now.  It is 15 degrees with a wind chill of 7 ... and snow.  I guess my second blog will be the updates of my niece ... I'm very excited to be an uncle :)

Work has been absolutely crazy.  We are in the process of starting a new plant up and are going through the normal pains associated with a start up along with taking on new projects for the plant as we go along.  While most times I am ready to pull my hair out, I really enjoy it.  I work with an amazing group of people and I am still learning something new every day.  

Last weekend I went to the Alabama-Mississippi State game with my Alabama family, the Hutchison's.  We had a great time, and they won ... Roll Tide Roll!  As with most Alabama adventures I take, I am always surprised at what I see.  Yes that is me with a large man, wearing a kilt, a houndstooth hat, with his face painted, with white contacts in and of cou
rse the full body tattoos of Alabama memorabilia.  Denny Chimes on his stomach, Bear and Namath on his chest, and a huge Bear tattoo on his back along with many many others.  And yes, I am wearing camouflage.  A few days before we were to go to the game I realized it was going to be cold and all of my winter stuff is still in Michigan sin
ce it doesn't get cold in Alabama ... wrong.  So I wore the clothes that I got for my new (restored) hobby, hunting.  Ironically enough, being that this is Alabama, I fit in really well :)

I am sure there is more to add, and I'll add more later.  I'm just passing the time until we get the call to head to the hospital.  We just got the call that she's in a hot tub and having contractions.  I can't wait :)

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