Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Great Weekend!!

I just got back in town Tuesday evening from visiting my family in Michigan where a lot of exciting things happened. On Friday, my brother, Bill, and sister, Wendy, welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Kiersten Jane Crishon. She was 8 lbs 14 ounces, 20" long, and absolutely beautiful. It's already obvious how wonderful Bill and Wendy are going to be as parents. I was floored at how laid back they are about her, as I was absolutely amazed by so many other things having to do with her. They're naturals. Also coming with the baby has come a friendly competition between the four uncles for 'best uncle.' For those of you that have seen the pictures, you can see I think I've taken the early lead hahaha (for those of you who haven't ... here's a link). I'm so proud to be an uncle and can pretty much tell you that I'm going to be the embarassing one taking all the pictures :)

Also this weekend, I was honored to be asked to be my other brother, Tom's, best man for his wedding to my future sister Mandi. (Enough with the Katherine Heigl - 27 dresses jokes ... I've heard them already :) ) They're getting married August 9 in Florida. They have a website (, which has all of their information on it. Tom did an amazing job with the website and I would recommend checking it out (make sure you check out the slideshow with your volume up). I'd put some sappy comments in here about how perfect they are together, and how much I'm envious, and how much I love them ... but I've got a best man speach to write :)

I did realize that, as much as I miss my family and friends who are still up there, I definitely do NOT miss the cold or the snow! (But, as Ricky is quick to point out, it's colder in Alabama) My blood has definitely thinned out. I thought it was funny at the Alabama - Mississippi State game last week how cold everyone I was with was ... they wouldn't have made it for the Cleveland game on Saturday. Football the way it was intended to be played, in cold and snow. Too bad no one told the Browns there was a game Sunday, they sure didn't show up.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful, and blessed, Thanksgiving. I'll be starting my day bright and early at 2:30 when Ricky, his son Case, and I head out to go duck hunting (season opens here tomorrow). Tomorrow afternoon, Ricky and his family have been kind enough to invite me over for Thanksgiving dinner with their family. I'm going to try to eat enough to start gaining weight :)

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!

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