Monday, February 9, 2009

It's About Time ...

Yes, yes, I know, I've been slacking on the blog.  I was sick, sorry.   I have had a great last couple of weeks.  My birthday was really good.  I went to church in the morning and then to Cracker Barrel for lunch and cake with the Hutchison's afterwards.  After gorging myself, I went coyote hunting with Ricky up in Tennessee.  We didn't see any coyote's, but we did see two owls.  The owls were beautiful, they came in really close and were there for a while.  They're lucky they're protected :)  The day finished with another great home cooked meal from Melissa.  I tried keeping my birthday a secret from everyone at work, but when Eddy found out he forced me to take a half a day of work which we spent at the shooting range then went to his house and enjoyed a great cigar and steaks.  

The weekend following my birthday, Ricky and I went down with some other guys at work to a private deer hunting area that Stump brought us to for the last day of deer season.  As most of you know, I've been immersing myself in the 'Southern' (i.e. Redneck) culture as much as possible ... this has taken the cake thus far.  We stopped by the Mossy Oak store in Mississippi before we headed down to York, AL (middle of NOWHERE) where the lodge was at.  The gentleman that owned the lodge was probably in his 80's and had lots of great, 'southern,' stories.  The first story that Ricky and I heard was told with *proof* from his trail camera that his land had some HUGE bobcats on it ... only thing was, Ricky and I had seen thos
e pictures several times during this winter in an email that goes around pretty frequently and the true story is on Snopes.  We had a lot of fun, and came back with a lot of great stories and jokes, and I got my first deer.  I had 3 does and a cull buck (it had a 3 point on one side and a stub on the other) in front of my shooting house for about an hour and a half that were close enough that I could hear them pulling the grass out of the ground as they were eating.  I was hoping for a larger buck but as it started to get dark, a turkey spooked the deer and I took a shot at the buck.  One of the does stayed and about 5 minutes later another one came back and I shot one of the does also.  I ended up not finding the buck, which we believe was the same buck that Ricky had shot earlier in the day (hence it's nickname 'Bionic Buck') but the doe dropped within 10 yards.  Stump got the deer back from the processor yesterday and I had some jerky made with my first deer today.  It was a lot of fun and provided some great stor
ies for my first deer.  I took a bunch of pictures and you can see them here (note the warning on the albums).
Work has slowed down a bit.  It's very strange not working 50-60 hour weeks so I'm trying to find things to do with my time (I'm updating my blog, aren't I?!?!)  It's a nice break and I'm sure that the busy times will be back very shortly.

Maybe if I actually get to updating this more often I will remember all of the funny things that happen routinely to provide ya'll with some entertainment :)

I hope everyone is well and miss all of you!

1 comment:

Heather said...

OK thanks for the Warning! Those are some graphic pictures!!! I like the pictures of the baby. She is a doll. You need newer pictures of her. I'm sure she has changed a whole bunch.